8 lipca 2012

In The Brain of Uncle Bob

I think I don't need to introduce you Robert Martin. Maybe not everybody loves him but for sure everybody knows him. He is a symbol of TDD and person with over 40 years experience in software development. Whats more he is also a great speaker and lately he gave a really interesting talk.

Title of this talk was 'The S.O.L.I.D. Principles of OO and Agile Design' and you can find it here - link. In this presentation you can find:

  • Have you ever wonder why almost all of our todays languages are object oriented ? For me the answer was a little suprise :)
  • Very illustrative explanation of single responsible principle, open\closed principle and Liskov substitution principle.
  • Some thoughts about inheritance, agile and OOP.

So if you find some of those topic interesting or you just want to see how Uncle Bob looks like when he has a hangover you need to watch this talk !

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