I'm really glad to announce that on the last Friday JVM Suburbs exceeded over 1000 views ! For that reason I would like to share with you some statistics, plans for the future and thank the people who helped me.
27 listopada 2012
22 listopada 2012
10 things you can do to better lead your agile team
I'm a developer and I'm proud of that. However I know that sooner or later the time will come to lead some project. That's why I'm always observing my managers and trying to learn from them. But learning only from local managers is not enough for me. I'm curious about top management trends in the world, what good practices managements rock stars presents on conferences. I have found several good talks about it and I would like to share with you one of them.
19 listopada 2012
London Droidcon 2012 review
Month ago I had a pleasure to participate in Droidcon 2012 in London. For me it was new and very exciting experience for two reasons. First - it was my first big international event in which I participated. Second - I was a volunteer and I had possibility to see how such a conference looks from a backstage.
14 października 2012
This confusing Java...
Today evening I was playing around with Java and collections. After a while I finished with a funny code.
7 października 2012
Rails architecture by Uncle Bob
I don't know Dear Reader how many Rails applications have you written in your life, but I have only one. However from the very beginning I had this feeling that something is wrong. Unfortunately I was not able to find a clear answer what is wrong and how I can make it better. Then I have found this presentation...
22 lipca 2012
Beautiful code - review
A few days ago I have finished reading 'Beautiful Code'. It is a book that gathers 34 articles written by well-known software designers and edited by Andy Oram and Greg Wilson. The intention of Oram's and Wilson's was to create a book where IT stars will show how they attack some specific problem and provide elegant and clear solutions. So idea for this book was really noble. What about realization ?
8 lipca 2012
In The Brain of Uncle Bob
I think I don't need to introduce you Robert Martin. Maybe not everybody loves him but for sure everybody knows him. He is a symbol of TDD and person with over 40 years experience in software development. Whats more he is also a great speaker and lately he gave a really interesting talk.
27 czerwca 2012
Venkat Subramaniam to the rescue
I have met Venkat Subramaniam for the first time on 33rd Degree conference. After his first presentation (by the way - it had fancy title "Pointy haired bosses and pragmatic programmers: Facts and Fallacies of Software Development") I was like "This guy has enormous knowledge and knows how to share it ! I must see his other presentations !". So I went to his two other presentations and guess what ? They were awesome as well !
29 maja 2012
Blocks in Ruby
One of the first things that a new Ruby programmer finds interesting in this language are blocks. On first sight they look a little bit weird. However after a first few uses they become as natural as breathing. Ruby blocks are very simple and in the same time very powerful mechanism. That's why I made up my mind to write a short article about them.
20 maja 2012
Code sandwich
Ruby koans is a great way to learn basics of Ruby. For me it was also a chance to meet for the first time a 'Code Sandwich' term. This is not a very popular term but I want to write about it. In my humble opinion it is a very common problem and a name 'code sandwich' fits just accurately. I'm going to show how we can solve it in Java and Ruby.
7 maja 2012
Humility lesson
As software developers we are dealing with bugs everyday. Through the years we have created many techniques that help us avoid them. TDD, pair programming, code review etc. Unfortunately none of them are perfect.
Clean code,
14 kwietnia 2012
Comments ? No, thank you...
Dear Programmers ! Please, do not write comments in your code. Seriously. I mean it. In most cases comments are totally useless so what is the point in writing them ?
Clean code
1 kwietnia 2012
Top 100 książek na temat tworzenia oprogramowania
Jakiś czas temu szukałem rankingu książek poświęconym szeroko rozumianemu tworzeniu oprogramowaniu. Jednym z ciekawszych jakie udało mi się znaleźć jest dość stara lista książek stworzona przez Jurgena Appelo.
27 marca 2012
Geecon na horyzoncie
Dopiero co skoczyło się 33 Degree, a za półtora miesiąc startuje kolejna duża impreza - Geecon. Tym razem miastem organizującym konferencję jest Poznań. Wśród prelegentów można znaleźć takie nazwiska jak Bruce Eckel czy Adam Bien.
24 marca 2012
33 Degree - podsumowanie
W dniach 19 - 21 marca odbyła się w Krakowie konferencja 33 Degree w której miałem okazje wziąć udział. W związku z tym, chciałbym podzielić się swoimi spostrzeżeniami odnośnie tej imprezy oraz krótko ją podsumować.
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